16 February 2013

Paleo In A Box, AMFAT Challenge: Week 5

Alright, week 5, similar to week 2, I'm caught back up and blogging in real time!  This week, PIB introduced some of the real keys to eating Paleo on the run, at work, traveling, or where ever you end up during the middle of the day that might cause problems eating healthy.  It's a simple concept and very crafty in that it works great!  I'm not going to give away any secrets here, because even if I told you, without the rest of the information, 1 piece of the system doesn't do you much good.  

This idea about only have some of the information is what I want to talk about now, in daily conversations as people learn what I'm doing and I tell them about my results they are immediately interested and want to know what they should do, and I found that I can give them pointers and possibly send them in the right direction, but without the whole system, the effectiveness of 1 piece of information just isn't going to get them to where they want to be. 

I've also noticed this trend in random Paleo FB posts, for example, I follow several Paleo FB pages and they all seem to have maybe 1 or several things figured out and they will make a post about it, and then the trail of comments that follow it are sadly ignorant and mis-guided,  here's how they go:  one person will comment with a classic wives tale or government mis-information "fact" and then another person says no, that's not right and proceeds to re-explain the situation with another "fact" that actually isn't quite right either, but perhaps closer to the right thinking.  And the discussion goes on and on and actually a lot of the commenter's are partially right... but in reading their comments, I realize that without understanding the whole picture none of them will ever get it.  Before I started PIB, I was one of those people, blindly searching for the answer and just never getting there, because even if I were to figure out one piece of the puzzle I would botch another one and the whole thing would go pear shaped. 

Next I need to confess: it was actually this week, that the eating raw vegetables story happened (I wrote it in week 3), thought I better come clean on that one, just in case your reading my blog and comparing it to your experience.  I promise I haven't taken any other timeline liberties in the writing of this blog, but the story just worked out to tell in week 3...

This week, I have to admit has been challenging, despite my new ability to eat vegetables, I still have a mental challenge to actually do so.  Raw is best, raw blended in a shake is equally best, and lightly cooked is next best.  Right now I have no problem with cooked vegetables or the shakes, but despite my new ability to eat raw vegetables I haven't quite transitioned into doing it with no mental challenge, but I'm making progress one day at a time, and that's just fine! and actually it's just how the program is designed, to do things at my own pace.  Next week I will do better because I am not about to give up, and small steps add up to lots of progress.

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