16 February 2013

Paleo In A Box AMFAT Challenge: Week 3

Wow, I have been super busy training and just haven't taken the time to get my blog updated.  The last couple weekends I had to make the decision to have clean clothes or an updated blog.  Well, that really wasn't much of a choice.  I would like to say I chose the blog but instead I had to go for the less fun option and make sure I had clean clothes for work.

In week 3, I received more amazing modules from Paleo In a Box!  I am continually excited with every new piece of information.  I'm sure I've said this before (definately to my friends and coworkers that will still listen to me) but it is so awesome to learn the truth about nutrition and good health, something I've been searching for, it seems like forever.  Up to this point, somethings I've done right, but so many things I either wasn't doing quite right or just would never have figured out.  There's just too much mis-information out there, and sadly nearly all of it comes from so called reliable sources like the government, ...wait a minute! that's not a reliable source at all! Dang it, I've been duped by just following along in life and believing the way it is, is just the way it's supposed to be.  I hate it when that happens a major pet peave of mine.

OK, so your now finding out that I like to rant a lot in my blogs, but back on track now.  Week 3 introduces Greens Drinks and Pre and Post WOD shakes.  These modules are overwhelminly favorites of nearly everyone in the program and I know why they are certainly my favorites too.  My whole fitness career I've known I was supposed to have a recovery drink after working out, but I never knew why, and if I did decide to have one, I might do it after a race, or maybe the workout before a race...  I think I had some logic behind my strategy, but looking back on things, there was none, I just didn't know any better. 

So from a learning aspect lots of cool info this week, but what about results you ask?  This week didn't have any major landmarks, like gaining another belt hole, but I have noticed some new shadows on my stomach, which if you need me to spell out means the ab definition is starting to show, so while I don't have smaller waist, I am still losing weight, and the scale proves it, down another lb or two.  I promise I'll start posting some data of the results soon.  While I do plan to get down to ripped abs and minimal body fat, the overhealth benefits are skyrocketing.  I feel great, and I am recovering UNBELEIVEABLE FAST between workouts, that's really the amazing part this week because I am training huge hours at intensity! 

The training I've been doing is for the indoor triathlon coming up, and I'm swimming almost every morning for an hour, still doing 4 WOD's at the box after work and a couple nights of running and cycling!  On average I put in 2 hours a day of actual exercise, and I'm not counting driving time, or changing clothes, or prepping shakes, thats actually on the bike, in the water, or crushing a WOD! 

OK, since I'm behind on these blog updates, I'm excited to get on to Week 4, so let's see, I got side tracked by a rant, raved about the PIB program, and I think all I'm missing is a self promotional clip about how awesome I am.  Ok, done, now on to week 4

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