16 February 2013

Paleo In A Box, AMFAT Challenge: Week 4

I'm sure your expecting me to talk about all the amazing things I learned this week, but guess what?  There are no modules this week.  WHAT?  Yes, it's catch up time, I'll admit I was bummed out by this, I mean really, I want more, I want more.  Information that is, definately not carbs or sugar! 

So why the break?  Well, the program is designed to not just dump the info, but to transition you into Paleo slowly.  It seems a lot of the things they have had me do so far are simple and the fact is they are, but have I actually done all them...  Well, not fully... Perhaps I'm a bit behind on a few things, and I should maybe review the info and make sure I didn't miss anything.  It turns out I was actually pretty much on top of things, but I'm a single guy and besides training, I don't have anything else to focus on other than integrating the PIB system into my life!  There's several of us at the Box doing this program, and each person has different challenges they face to implement the changes,  busy at work, family, time constraints, etc...  Everyone is doing extremeley well and I've learned a lot from everyone no matter what part of the program they are working on.  One great benefit we have seen, doing the program simultaneously is that we all pick up on different aspects of the program and have different viewpoints on what things should be a priority or how we should implement them.  Besides that just having a group support is awesome! 

If that isn't enough, there is also the PIB Facebook VIP group, which is awesome, and the added bonus of the AMFAT Challenge is the FB AMFAT Group, more or less the AMFAT group is all about at the same stage, and level of implementation.  The amazing part of this group is how similar our experiences are and while everyone's situation is different we are all following a similar pattern and learning at the same time.  I love this part, because I read posts and I think: "exactly, I just noticed that too", or "yes, of course, that's happening to me too" 
One of these moments I'll share, is my ability to now eat a wide range of raw vegetables, (yes I said raw), several months ago I could not have fathomed eating such things! As I was learning this, another fellow AMFAT group member posted this same thing!  It turns out, your body wants healthy things, but modern day processed foods have contaminated it with toxins and those toxins trap you in a bad cycle of thinking you want more toxins and then this is reinforced by the FDA food pyramid (which is very wrong btw) and next thing you know your in circle you can't get out of...  I was just about to go off on a rant, but nope, stopping now, still have important stuff to get to.
Also, during this catch up week, I got all the ingredients ordered for the Post WOD shakes, here's one part of the program that applies some modern day products, to mix up your own Recovery shakes.  I should have paid for overnight shipping, I was so impatient this week waiting for the ingredients to arrive.  I felt like every WOD without them I was losing some of that hard work I had just put in... and actually I probably was.  It really wouldn't have been that long of a wait but I ran out of all the inferior products I was using up, which were better than nothing. 
In terms of results I would say similar to last week, slightly lower on weight and more definition, nothing amazing yet, but I'm gaining everyday, and more importatnly, I'm still training hard and recovering fast!

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