21 December 2010

The Flip Turn

After my first day of practice I wanted more speed, fixing my technique and gaining conditioning was just going to take too long, so I decided the quickest win was to figure out the flip turn. Fortunately, I’ve been periodically practicing this all summer, so after reading an few tips on the web and another day of practicing I had it down good enough to implement during practice.

Doing this at practice worked just like I thought, maybe even better, for speed that is, this would have been fine if we were only doing a 50m, but the oxygen tradeoff to do the flip turn put me into a huge O2 deficit and my performance rapidly declined and then when I realized we were doing 100m I had to drastically slow down just to finish. I guess the lesson learned here is that there are not freebies in swimming. It looks like practice is the only way. So now it’s a balance of how often can I swim based on how much recovery time do I need?

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