20 April 2013

Paleo In a Box: Week 8 BP PR

This week I had an absolutely amazing PR, that I wasn't expecting at all!  I was at the doctor's office for my annual checkup and as is routine the nurse checks your weight, blood pressure, and ask's a few questions.  After she checked my blood pressures she was really impressed that it was so low!  She then tells me it was 100/60!  Even I was impressed with this number, normall my BP is always around the normal 120/80, maybe during the peak of racing season it will be as low as 117/78, but that's it, I've never had it as low as 100/60.  This is concrete evidence of how Paleo is affecting my health and overall wellness!

The more I thought about this, the more amazing I think this is, first of all I'm thinking why was better HEALTH not my goal instead of losing weight?  I suppose they are related, but really how much? it isn't like I was overweight to start with.  Next, I'm thinking my health is worth more than improved performance.  Certainly there is a relation between the two, but just because you are physically in good shape from exercise doesn't mean you won't get sick or any diseases.  It seems to happen fairly regularly that a great athlete dies from a heart attack or cancer... when it happens people just say, oh yeah he or she had bad genes, it was hereditary, and there was nothing they could do...   I would now argue against such a statement, perhaps a Paleo diet won't eliminate the risks of cancer or coronary disease, but after seeing the quick changes to my system in just two months, I guarantee paleo does drastically reduce the risks, even hereditary ones!

The annual doctor's visit included all usual bloodwork check and nearly every other biometric measurement was better or the same since the last time I was checked 6 months ago.  I'm going to publish that data in the final write-up for AMFAT Challenge Essay. 

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