20 April 2013

AMFAT Challenge Week 9:

This week, I'm actually going to write about some events that happened over the weekend and last week, mostly because lots of interesting stuff happened last week and not a whole lot this week.

Over the weekend I traveled to Colorado to hang out with friends, we pretty much tend to eat out all the time while when I visit.  I wasn't about to go off the deep end and order anything non-paleo and actually it turned out to be quite easy to stay within Paleo requirements.  Hamburger's I ordered without buns and side salads (none of the food I'll mention is fast food it's all sit down restraunts of nice quality).  Went to a steak house one day and that was real easy of course.  Large salads were also easy to do just by skipping the croutons and bread.  I did include a few cheats like some good Colorado micro brews and a few glasses of wine, but hey, I was out and about and few cheats were well deserved at this point.

While I was in Colorado, I missed doing The Open 13.1 workout at my local box so I did it at Crossfit VIM in Lafayette, CO.  A great Box, lots of super nice people, and 13.1 is now my most memorable WOD ever!  It was awesome for a few reasons, one I was at a different box, next 135 was a new PR for snatch, and lastly because 135 was a new PR and so heavy it took a monumental amount of Beast Mode to just do 1 rep, and I managed to get in 8 reps at that weight!  The crazy part is the thinner air at 1 mile above sea level.  After each 135lb snatch, the whole room went dark and even sound faded out, it was a wild sensation, after a split second for my body to catch back up on oxygen I was fine and ready for the next rep!  I got to experience that euphoric state 8 times!  Super crazy, I definately felt super strong and made for a unique experience.  This week I was feeling back on my game and mentally back in it!

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