19 April 2013

Paleo In A Box AMFAT Challenge: Week 6

Week 6 finished with a bang!  Saturday was the Indoor Triathlon I have been training overtime for. 
As I suspected the swim would be my weakest leg, normally this is not an issue, but for an indoor tri, this is a major leg of the race, the reason is the bike leg is done on indoor stationary bikes and it's all about spinning fast, nothing to do with strength or power, so basically all the top contenders are within seconds of each other... 
Here's how the race went,  out of the pool I was around 2 minutes behind the leader.  This was good as I had just swam my first official 500m in 9:46, a respectable swim for an intermediate like myself.  It's a PR in that I have timed myself in the past and last year I would have been around 12 minutes.  So good, but I was a long ways back.  The bike went like I expected, I turned a cadence of around 140 to 150 rpm, but probably only good enough to gain back 10 or 20 seconds on the leader at best, but I did gain a lot on everyone else and was the second one off the bike, therefore now in second place!  The run is done on an indoor track where 13 laps is one mile.  Lots of turning,  the run ended up being my strongest part of the tri, I ran the 5k in 20:39, which is a definate PR,  about every 10 laps I was gaining a lap on the leader, the race was super close and I was down to less than 1 lap, but I just ran out of time!  Came in second by about 20 seconds. 
Of course, I wanted to win, but I'll never complain when I performed at my best.  I definately did that, and shocked a lot of people too as I don't think anyone really took me serious about being a contender. 
As far as Paleo goes, not a whole lot to report this week. I was definately fueled and ready for this triathlon though, certainly have to give the PIB system credit for the proper nutrition!

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