27 January 2013

Week 2: Paleo In A Box AMFAT Challenge

Today is the end of Week 2 and I'm actually writing this blog in real time, so no more future insights like the last post.  However, the adventure is just revving up and it's going to incredible!  I am hooked, I've drank the Kool Aid (figuratively that is, as I now know Kool-aid is the devil -It's pure sugar...)  Actually everything with sugar in it is super bad and even worse is substituting in some sort of fake sugar AKA: Toxic Waste.  Those are my descriptions!  PIB does not phrase it that way, I've taken some artistic liberties in my above statements, but I will tell you I'm telling it how it is, and that's known as the TRUTH.

OK, this isn't a rant about sugar.  Back on track now:   Week 2 has been amazing, I really didn't expect to see any results this early, I spent all summer trying to diet by starving myself and all I accomplished was being desperately hungry, losing performance on the bike, and barely losing any weight.  HOWEVER, my pants are looser, yes, I would estimate a half inch off the waist!  The best part of that statement, I didn't eat any more or less that I normally do, I just changed to healthier food,  aka:  Whole food.  In fact, I ate more grease and oil than I ever have!  Sure, it was the right types and kinds, and just for interest, did you know that you can eat coconut oil right off the spoon and it's healthy for you!  How's that for a teaser!

So, I'm losing weight, maybe your not impressed.  Wait for it....   I feel awesome!  I have more energy than I ever have, I'm recovering extremely well from my workouts and yes this is all real, I am not smoking crack, this is really happening.  The crazy part?  There's still lots more to come!  4 more weeks of diet and health improvements!  I can hardly stand it, I want to do it all today!  Also, I should mention, I have not once been hungry, if anything I've been eating more than usual...

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