27 January 2013

Indoor Triathalon

Some people who know me have probably heard my story of how I got into Endurance sports.  I college I saw Ironman Kona on TV and thought that would be super cool to do.  That week I started running.  A few months later my knees swelled up and my dreams were dashed.  Later that year in college, I was introduced to mountain biking and that didn't bother my knees and I've been a cyclist since.  Never regreted not being able to run one bit, because quite frankly I love cycling.  I've ran a few miles here and there, and really I just don't get that excited for it. 

A couple years ago, you may have saw my posts on barefoot running, I had envisioned that proper running form would allow me to run without knee problems, and that actually may have been true, but cycling season kicked in and I forgot all about that objective.

Now here I am doing Crossfit and gaining all around fitness is more important that ever to me and the next thing I know Crossfit Heartland is holding a Running Clinic.  I'm in of course, and timing is great because I just signed up for the indoor Triathlon at the YMCA next month.  It's a sprint distance, so training for a 5k is plenty good for me.  A couple weeks ago I started running a few times a week and I've stuck to the proper technique, if I get tired I stop and sort of like Frankenstien "It's Alive"  well better put It's Working!  no knee issues, but I am having to rebuild my lower calves, they are used to the bike not pose running.

Also important for the Tri is swimming, so I started back to doing the Master's swim 3x's a week.  All of this is pretty much at the cost of regularly scheduled cycling work outs, but that's ok, I'm having a lot of fun right now and really it's the time to do it.  I don't feel my cycling is going to suffer at all this summer, I'm still riding more than I have in past winter's...

So I bought a tri suit last week, and doing a lot of reading on swimming to try and figure out some better technique in the pool and next month...   It may not be KONA, but it will be my first triathlon, and will definately be a lot of fun.  Also definatatly a change from the usual cycling events, and also is breaking up the winter nicely and keeping my motivation high.

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