29 December 2012

Rapha Festive 500 #festive500

My favorite GPS logging website is Strava.com and the most recent challenge is the Rapha Festive 500.  This challenge is to ride 500km (311 miles) from Christmas Eve to New Years Eve.  Which is a lot of miles for 8 days.  It's a pretty cool challenge and will certainly help get rid of some foolish eating which I did on Christmas Eve and Day.  I also have the week off and figured this would be a good goal to accomplish. 

Well, it's turned out to me much harder than I expected.  The recent snow has limited the available roads (clear of snow) to ride on and worse yet, it got super cold this week.  I rode on Christmas Eve and for the effort I put in I should have had 50 miles instead of the 25 that I actually accomplished.  The going was slow and it was crazy cold.  12 degrees F, add in the wind and I only had 1 hand and zero feet that weren't froze when I got back home.   The next day I went out for 45 min and only got 9 miles in and it was even colder yet.  The worst part is how tired I was from those two efforts, the cold just zaps the energy out of you. 

Wednesday I only did a Crossfit WOD, and then on Thursday it Snows again!  This means I'm now riding indoors for the rest of the challenge.  I got a couple trainer rides in the last few days, but if I was going to finish the challenge I needed some big days in on the trainer!  So I bought some movies and psyched myself up for 5+ hours in on the trainer today.  Well, this didn't work out so well.  After the first movie, I got off the bike to rest and everything tightened up and my legs said your done.  Refusing to beleive this verdict I got on the bike and thought I could work things loose again, but no dice.  My legs are just overworked from everthing.  Too much Crossfit and too much riding.  Tendons hurt and there was just no way to continue. 

At this point I'm unsure if I'll be able to ride tomorrow.  If I can ride the next two days I will but really I just have too many miles left to try and get in, in the two days that remain.  I'm basically only 50% complete.
I'm definately ready for a rest week, perhaps I'll start tomorrow or if possible on Tuesday.  I'll see how things go tomorrow.

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