18 July 2011

Omaha Cycling Weekend

After being out of town all week for work, I just barely made it back in time on Friday to get registered for all 3 events. (I had 15 minutes to spare before missing the registration for the TT & crit) The way it turned out, it would have been better if I had missed the registration for these events… The trip for work was no picnic, after working 16 hr days in hot Kansas wheat fields, I was tired from the week and not well prepared for a weekend of racing. So here’s how it turned out: I was looking forward to the TT on Saturday AM, I had just got my Powertap back after being rebuilt and I needed to do an LT benchmark test and this TT was the perfect opportunity. I had also recently bought some aero bars and borrowed a helmet from a friend so in terms of equipment I was as ready as I could be short of buying a TT bike. My performance in the TT was a disaster, I was slower than 2 years ago when I did this TT Eddie Merck style. Besides being tired from the trip, I also assume that I have done too much dieting and that is affecting my performance a lot more than I thought it would. There was no need to hang out for the crit. The way I was feeling I would have been off the back in less than 2 laps. Instead I went home and got my bike ready for the road race and got some sleep.

After Saturdays performance, I didn’t expect much for this road race. The race started off well, I felt comfortable in the pack, my bike handling skills were solid, and best of all, I felt good about reading and reacting to the ever changing dynamics of the pack. Around mile 7 we were facing our first ascent up the hill. It really doesn’t even look all that bad, but halfway up it my legs were screaming. So it hurt, but I made it through and was super happy that I would now get to ride another lap with the group. The next lap I also made it up the climb with the group, but barely. Today was shaping up to be a good day on the bike, at least much better than yesterday. The third ascent of the hill, I knew was going to be troublesome and it was. I lost contact with the group and there was nothing I could do about it, I put forth every ounce of energy I had into that climb and it just wasn’t enough. Once my legs recovered, I was off the back of the pack by a good 200 meters and for awhile I was delusional enough to think that I might catch back up, but it wasn’t going to happen and the gap kept getting bigger and bigger. I put so much energy into the chase, that on the 4th ascent of the hill, I barely even made it, but after this I settled into a sustainable pace and cranked out the rest of race by myself.

All things considered, I thought the road race went well, not being able to climb with the group is disappointing, but not unexpected as all the training I’ve been doing is for long and steady rides, I’m basically right on track for the Crested Butte race at the end of the month (I’m still hoping to qualify for the Leadville 100). Next year, I won’t be focusing on this kind of racing, so I’ll be doing more high intensity intervals to be ready, but for now, it was a good day.

Last thing I’ll note is that the advertised distance for the race was off, the flyer said 52 miles and it was only around 45 miles. Despite the heat and humidity, I was mentally prepared to ride 52 and when it was over at 45, I was actually disappointed and decided to ride another lap to get 52 in. Other than the distance issue, Team Kaos did a great job of running the race and had some great volunteers handing out much needed water each lap. Many thanks to all those that helped put on this great event!

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