29 May 2013

Final Paleo Thoughts

So if you happen to be looking for my last post, which used to be my PIB AMFAT Essay, well... you won't find it, I deleted it.  Why?  Well, new evidence and experiences have come to light.  First of all, most of the essay, was true, but I'll admit it was slightly embellished as I wanted to win the challenge.  My new experience is that since switching back to cycling (and no Crossfit) I've found that Paleo alone doesn't cut it.  So what does this mean?  Actually, I've been bewildered since trying to figure it out.  So first let me clarify this point:
"Strict paleo is not adequate for endurance sports"
There just isn't enough carbs in strict paleo, I suppose it's possible I wasn't doing it right, but let's face it, the definition of what's paleo and what isn't paleo is a very blurry line.  One point I want to make about the PIB system is that as the name suggests, it's designed for Crossfit, and actually if that's all your doing for fitness, then it's a great system.  The key is the 4:1 carbohydrate to protein shake, all those carbs make up for the lack of extra carbs in the paleo diet.  So if you're contemplating whether or not to try the system, I would say go for it, you'll learn a lot about nutrition.  Especially if you're a cross-fitter, but if you're an endurance athlete, then I would advise that you proceed with caution.  Paleo is great nutritional plan, but the lack of carbs will cost you in performance, big time! 
I'm not really going to get into much detail on this, but here's what I've found works.
1.  Paleo really just amounts to EAT WHOLEFOOD (no processed foods, no fake additives)
2.  The key to losing weight on pale, you're not going to like this but its:  NO SUGAR !!!!!
3.  The PIB system keeps your performance up by prescribing the shakes after WOD's, works great for Crossfit
4.  If you're an endurance athlete, then I suggest stay GLUTEN FREE and ADD RICE back in for carbs, also add in any of the other grains, I suggest minimal corn, but you can make your own mind up on that.
So where should you get your info for my suggestion of #4, your go to book is " Feed Zone Cookbook" and "Feed Zone Portables"  by Dr Allen Lim and Biju Thomas.  Awesome selection of recipes and great on the bike food.
Essentially, these books promote, whole foods too, same concept just geared toward endurance cycling.  Besides the books, you'll also want to start using the hydration mixes by Skratch Labs, which is also Dr. Allen Lim's company, the ultimate food and nutrition combo!
My conclusion is you have to decide what you want to do for fitness, but your diet has to be tailored to it and capable of supporting it.  Lastly, I'll say that if your trying to just lose weight, then keep battling, I'm not sure there is any easy plan, other than staying consistent with the battle and continuing to improve your nutrition everyday.

Lastly, I'll note that I came in as one of the 3 runner's up in the AMFAT Challenge!  Scored me a hundred bucks and a free pair of custom Reebok Nanos!  Super cool.

I chose black toes to hide the scuff marks and then a red, white, blue America theme:

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