05 January 2012


Thought I would check in with the ol blog and just say that I'm starting to get ready for the new year.  Haven't been riding as much as I should have the past few months, but the good side is that I have been riding, so as long as I get things ramped up now, I'll be in good shape come summer! 

I have been focusing on getting my Serotta back together.  After I canibalized it last fall (to get the CX bike going), it's been in pieces since.  Just ordered some cool new parts for it today.  Got some Easton EC90 Ergo bars and EC90 stem (both are carbon fiber) on an unbeleiveable Performance Bike closeout price.  Also ordered a new rear derailler.  I needed the derailler for the new 11-28 cassette that I got for Christmas!  This is the gear ratio I'll be using for the Iron Horse Classic coming up this May! 

Getting registered for the Iron Horse Classic is big news also, registration opened Dec 1, the races were sold out in about 2 days and everything, including the tour was sold out in 5 days!  Wow! that's a fast sellout compared to last year.

Also, registered for the Leadville Lottery.  Won't know anything about that until Mid February.  It sure would be nice to get in the easy way for once.

Also, been sifting through ebay for a set of Aero Carbon Tubular Wheels.  If your not a bike nerd like myself, these are superlight and aerodynamic and that means fast.  Although I'm not doing so good at dieting right now, I do plan to be in the 160's for race weight, and at that point spending money on light parts is beneficial because I'll have no fat left to lose!